Pregnancy Options
Comprehensive care is offered from the moment of the first positive pregnancy test. We provide the care you need to help you move forward, no matter what your decision is. Appointments are individual and private.
Prenatal Care We help with pre-conception counseling all the way to delivery and care of the infant. See Membership for additional information on pricing. Dr. Jensen has privileges at Grant Medical Center, where she teaches family medicine resident physicians obstetrics care on the labor and delivery ward.
Abortion Care Nearly 1 in 4 women in the US will have an abortion by age 45. The decision to end an early pregnancy is very personal and only you can decide what is right for you. We are here to make sure you get the care you need and answer any questions along the way. A pregnancy is considered early if it is less than 10 weeks 6 days, as dated by your last menstrual period. After an in-office evaluation and discussion, medication can be taken to safely induce a miscarriage. Dr. Jensen is available by phone 24/7 throughout the process.
The medication abortion care package includes: initial 1 hour consultation, urine pregnancy test, initial serum beta HCG lab testing, mifepristone medication, misoprostol medication, follow up 30 minute visit, and follow up beta HCG lab testing.
Member pricing: $150
Non-member pricing: $400
*You still have abortion options if your pregnancy is more than 10 weeks, please visit for additional resources.
Unsure of how far along you are in your pregnancy? Use this calculator